Thursday, May 14, 2020

Communicable Disease Paper - 1513 Words

Communicable Disease Paper Maria G. Sanchez HCS/457 June 29, 2015 Charlotte A. Ferrell Communicable Disease Paper One of the many highly communicable diseases is chickenpox. This communicable disease is caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV) which has a resemblance with the herpes virus. It can be transmitted in two ways, one through direct contact with the fluids from the blisters, mucus, or saliva and second through air where the virus is disseminated by coughing or sneezing. A person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms. Chickenpox is regarded as highly communicable for individuals who are exposed to the disease for the first time nor have been vaccinated against it. They have an 80% risk of†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, the virus can induce another kind of illness called shingles. After a chickenpox infection, some of the VZV may remain in your nerve cells. Many years later, the virus can reactivate and resurface as shingles, a painful band of short-lived blisters. The virus is more likely to reappear in older adults and people with wea kened immune systems. There are several known complications of chickenpox and these are infections, encephalitis, and hepatitis. Pregnant women are known to be of the highest risk for the virus causing still births and infections during delivery. Environmental factors such as type of season, school sessions, and overcrowding are some of the main causes of the virus’ dispersal. Through research, it has been identified that the varicella-virus occurs during autumn and declines during summer months. During summer months, the virus is known to have diminished as schools are closed and the children seldom get in contact with one another decreasing the transmission of the virus during these months. This cycle corresponds to the typical school year in the United States. When children go back to school in the fall, they begin to increase the spread of the disease. A typical mini-epidemic within a school occurs when one child contracts chickenpox. An infected child in a classroom is all it takes to cause an alarming 90% mini-epidemic. The mini-epidemic can be caused by an overcrowded environment which makes the transmission ofShow MoreRelatedCommunicable Disease Paper911 Words   |  4 PagesCommunicable Disease Paper Tubercul osis Communicable diseases rely on fluid exchange, contaminated substance, or close contact to travel from an infected carrier to a healthy individual. Many people have never heard of a disease called tuberculosis (TB) or not fully aware how serious this disease really is. 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