Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Improving the Physical Health and Well-Being of Australians - 1375 Words

Improving the Physical Health and Well-Being of Australians (Research Paper Sample) Content: Title: Improving the Physical Health and wellbeing of young Australians.Name:Institution:IntroductionGood health and wellbeing are essential for all young children. During childhood, childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ immunity is weak and vulnerable to all illnesses hence needs specific care. In achieving the proper healthcare, the Australian government has recognized early healthcare as one of the vital stage which influences positive outcomes for children. Getting a good start in the very early years enables healthy all-round development and lays a better foundation for a long-term wellbeing. Promotion of health in the early years ensures that children are safe, well-nourished, play and learn actively. This creates a good environment which builds the social and emotional confidence for children and their parents.The early childhood practitioners also play a vital role in the development of young children. Children are encouraged to play and enjoy themselves. In the process they ar e also encouraged to make a healthy choice which stands a better chance of a positive future. The children are also exposed to the natural environment which creates a healthy and emotional wellbeing of the children.In the research, a health promotion program related to this PDA has been suggested which is aimed at improving the physical health and wellbeing of young Australians.Overview of the Priority Direction Area including Current Indicators.At ARACY, they believe that good health and wellbeing of our young people is the priority to ensure best possible outcome from them. The NEST is aimed to align efforts to improve the wellbeing of the children and youth (aged 0-24 years) in our nation.It was identified that there was poor nutrition and health provision. Children from Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island background and those from lower socio-economic class had poor health outcome. The infant mortality rate in Australia was found to be 26 out of 34. This is mainly due to poor provi sion of health care and lack of good nutrition (Brimblecombe Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Dea 2009). It was found out that nutritious foods were more expensive for given quantity of energy and also spoilt faster than the low nutritious foods (Darmon Drewnowski 2008). Most of the children were found to experience malnutrition disproportionally. It was also observed that about 20.1 per cent of infants were exclusively breastfed up to six months of age in accordance to WHO. It was also found that breastfeeding the infants reduces the risk of asthma, ear infections, gastrointestinal infection and later childhood obesity.It was also observed that the rate of obesity and overweight had increased from 56 per cent in 1995, to 65 per cent in 2011-2013. In 2013, 26.8 per cent of the children in Australia aged 5-16 were found to be overweight in 2010-2013. 32.6 per cent of young males and females aged 16-24 were also found to be overweight. Such excessive weight has a negative impact as opposed to normal wei ght. Obesity and overweight was found to increase the risk of abnormality and was the cause of almost all chronic diseases such as liver diseases, type two diabetes, cardiovascular and cancer. Obesity and overweight was found to occur mainly because of an imbalance energy intake from the diet and the energy expenditure through physical activities (AIHW 2008d).Physical activities were also identified as one cause of obesity and other illnesses. It was found that 23 per cent aged 5-17 years of Australian children met the national physical activities recommendations every day. The guidelines recommend that at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (for example, a brisk walk or a game of netball or football) every day of the week for young children. For youth aged 18-24 years and over, the guidelines recommended at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most (preferably all) days of the week. This consistent with research shown that the health be nefits of physical activity are often linked to the intensity at which an activity is performed. (Biddle, SJ, Gorely, T. Marshall, SJ, Murdey. I Cameron. N 2004) While there are many contributing factors, environmental factors such as urban design, access to parks and playgrounds and neighborhood safety also influences childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s opportunities to be active as well as their activity levels (ARACY 2008).Significance of PDAThe significance of this PDA is aimed at improving the physical and the well-being of tomorrows Queensland. To achieve this: 1 Proper health care should needs to be provided amongst all Australian people regardless of the socio-economical classes. 2 The infants also need to be exclusively be breastfed for six month. This will reduce the chances of infantsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ illnesses as young children are prone to various sickness as explained earlier. 3 There is also the need early childhood practitioners to advice mother on the importance of good nutrition and b alanced diet for wellbeing and for healthy life. 4 Through taking part physical activities regularly, the rate of overweight and obesity can be reduced. 5 It is also advisable to ensure that amount of energy consumed is proportional to the energy expenditure. This is will reduce the chances of becoming overweight.Determinants of health wellbeing related to PDA.Obesity and overweightObesity and overweight in young people continues to increase, despite the many health guidance and health literatures in the area. Overweight and obesity is significantly high between the ages of 7 to 19 years. During this age, it is crucial to prevent being overweight as many children are regularly involved in various physical activities. Lack of education about the importance of healthy eating is also a problem. Many young people consume a lot of energy giving food which does not correspond with energy expenditure in their body. Physical activities is a critical factor in determining a personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s body weight. Most of the young people becomes obese because they rarely involve themselves in physical activities. There is need parents and teachers at school to ensure that the children are actively involved in physical activities which will help to reduce chances of becoming obese or overweight. It is recommended that at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.Good nutrition and Proper Healthcare.Poor nutrition and healthcare.Good nutrition and proper healthcare is important in promoting rapid growth and development that occurs during early childhood and adolescence. Young Australians typically consume sufficient carbohydrate, protein and fat, but consumption of fruit and vegetables is often insufficient. Consuming various foods and adequate fruits and vegetable daily is a protective measure against various diseases. The National Health Research Council (NHMRC) has developed a set of Australian Dietary guidelines to maintain the best health and red uce the risk of chronic diseases. Due to financial instability in most people, this has not been well implemented. Most Children especially from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island, don...

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