Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pros and Cons Fire Hydraulics today.

In the fire service today many new up and coming firefighters are taught that when operating the pump on the truck â€Å"It set Is you Just move these levers and It will flow. I believe there is pros and cons to this tactic that has been adapted. While making It easier on new recruits to learn how to operate the equipment, It also denies them of the deep knowledge of the equipment and the ability to react to situations outside the norm. Some of the pros to the set It and forget It style of teaching new firefighters Is of ours the ease of learning.If you don't have to learn calculations and be able to do them on the fly you can be trained In a shorter time period, becoming an effective member on the fire scene In less time and for less cost to the city who you are employed. This tactic also allows for more people to be trained on the equipment in a shorter time. On the other hand though some cons to this style of teaching is that new members lack the ability to adjust to unforeseen c ircumstances. They are never taught the necessary skills to run into a sticky situation and be able to make needed adjustments to get themselves and others out safely.When safety should be top priority firefighters and equipment operators need to be trained as much as possible. The last thing you want is to have something happen where you lose incoming pressure or a pump and not be able to react and adjust to keep your guys on the inside with vital water to flow. In my opinion on the matter I absolutely believe that people should be trained to a point where they understand the equipment not Just where to slide the handle or which knob to turn and how far. The ability to calculate the water pressures and aka necessary adjustments is a vital task that is part of being a pump operator.I believe that more people should be trained to that level and should also pass there training and knowledge on to new people Joining the fire service. Those are just some of the pros and cons to addition al training of fire service members when it comes to operating the bumper. There are numerous other pros for making operation of this equipment simpler as well as plenty of cons that go with It as well. Pros and Cons Fire Hydraulics today. By John-Likewise when operating the pump on the truck â€Å"it set is you Just move these levers and it will low'.I believe there is pros and cons to this tactic that has been adapted. While making it easier on new recruits to learn how to operate the equipment, it also Some of the pros to the set it and forget it style of teaching new firefighters is of them on the fly you can be trained in a shorter time period, becoming an effective member on the fire scene in less time and for less cost to the city who you are training and knowledge on to new people Joining the fire service. Those are Just some equipment simpler as well as plenty of cons that go with it as well.

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